All financial decisions go exactly the way your parents told you when you were younger,” you get what you pay for!” If a company significantly reduces the fees for selling your home, they will need to make up for the loss of revenue with volume. With more listings, agents have less time to help you with the sale of your home. With less time, they will know each home less than they need to and will not be able to answer questions about your home. With many more homes listed, how much effort can a discount agent give to each sale and how committed will they be to you getting the most for your sale? With a large volume, you become reactive not proactive.
Other realtors may say they will do the same things a full-service realtor will, but will they? We are a proud full-service company, providing our clients with full-service home sales for over forty years. We see our clients and their homes through the selling process with all the unforeseen issues as they come along. We understand each home we sell, the associations they are part of and the legalities of each sale. We walk you through and guide you through the three stages of negotiation: Price, Inspection and Appraisal. When another agent calls us about your home, every agent in the office knows your home and can answer questions about it. Every phone call is an opportunity to sell.
The Internet plays a large role in how homes are sold today. Many real estate offices can gain you access to the internet and advertising you may need. That is not all you will need! Most people do not buy a home because they saw it on the internet. Most still want the experience of the home, a showing or two, perhaps an open house. Having opens is an important selling feature, one that plays a role in the success we have seen as an agency with our clients. Before holding opens or showings, you may need help with preparing your home for sale. Stapleton will hire a professional to clean your home before the first open, consult for staging and arrange for professional photography of your home. This work puts your home in the best position for sale. We will work with you to schedule and host open houses at your home on days that work for your schedule.
Once an offer is received, we work with you to understand the offer, decide the next steps and craft the response. We work every step of all negotiations with you. You have our cell phone numbers and we answer. We manage all of the coordination and communication to bring your home to a successful close.
When you consider what you need in selling your home, consider what our clients have had to say about their experience with us. We want to provide you with the same quality care-free experience that they report. We are Full-Service and stand ready to do what is needed for you to get the most for your property!